From Struggles to Success: The Journey of Tunde David Animashaun

Chapter 1: Beginnings in Surulere

Tunde’s life began in the vibrant and ever-busy Iponri Housing Estates in Surulere, Lagos. Born into a humble family, Tunde’s childhood was shaped by the struggles of a hardworking mother and a father who served as a poorly-paid government school teacher. Life wasn’t easy, but the values instilled by his parents would serve as the bedrock of his future success. 

His early years were spent at Surulere Baptist Primary School, a modest institution in the heart of Lagos. The classrooms were often overcrowded, and resources were scarce, but Tunde quickly distinguished himself as a student with an insatiable curiosity. Despite the challenges, he made the best of his education, determined to rise above his circumstances. By the time he completed primary school, the ambition to forge a better future had taken root within him.


Chapter 2: High School and Family Struggles

Following primary school, Tunde continued his education at a secondary school in Surulere. It was during these formative years that life took a difficult turn. His mother became gravely ill, and with her sickness came financial difficulties that strained the family even further. His father, with his meager salary as a teacher, could do little to support the growing costs of education, and Tunde often had to find ways to cope with the absence of adequate financial backing.

Yet, even in these hard times, Tunde remained focused. He understood that education was his one chance to escape the grip of poverty, and he clung to that belief. Throughout secondary school, he excelled, despite the harsh realities of life at home. The dream of attending university and becoming something more than his parents ever had the chance to be, kept him going.


Chapter 3: The Leap to University

When the time came to further his education, Tunde faced a new challenge: the financial burden of attending university. His acceptance to a university in Ogun State felt like a blessing, but it quickly became clear that the financial means to support this endeavor were lacking. His mother’s illness had drained the family’s resources, and his father’s salary wasn’t enough to cover the costs.

Without money or proper arrangements for accommodation, Tunde left for school, relying solely on faith and determination. Upon arriving in Ijebu Igbo, where the university was located, he was unsure where he would sleep that night. That’s when he met Kayode, a young man who, after hearing Tunde’s story, offered him a place to stay. This act of kindness from a stranger changed everything. Kayode’s generosity gave Tunde the chance to start his university education, and a strong friendship blossomed between the two young men.


Chapter 4: Surviving University

Though Tunde was able to begin his studies, his financial struggles were far from over. To survive, he took on part-time work as a private lesson teacher. The money he earned wasn’t enough to cover his expenses, but it kept him afloat. During the holidays, he would return to Lagos and work in a cyber café, doing whatever he could to gather enough money for his school fees.

In his second year, the challenges became overwhelming. The lack of money made it difficult to focus on his studies, and Tunde began to consider dropping out. Just when he thought he had no other option, a cousin suggested that he apply for a scholarship from the Promised Land and Restoration Ministry, an organization in Lagos. Tunde applied, and by sheer luck, the organization agreed to sponsor the remainder of his university education. It was a lifeline, and Tunde seized the opportunity, determined to complete his studies and make something of himself.


Chapter 5: Post-Graduation Disappointments

After graduating from university, Tunde was optimistic about his future. He had done everything right, worked hard, and expected that the rewards would soon follow. But life had other plans. Despite his best efforts, he struggled to find a job. He had dreams of working in a bank, but rejection after rejection left him disillusioned. The economy was tough, and so were the odds of securing the job he had hoped for.

But even in the face of disappointment, Tunde refused to give up. When one of his former coursemates, Olusola, reached out to him with an opportunity to volunteer at a university in the northern part of Nigeria, he jumped at the chance. At the time, it wasn’t much—just a volunteer position—but it was better than nothing.


Chapter 6: A Career Breakthrough

Tunde thrived in his new role. He wasn’t just there to fill time; he wanted to contribute in a meaningful way. During his volunteering period, he submitted a proposal to the university with ideas on how they could generate more revenue. The university was impressed with his initiative and creative thinking. They saw potential in Tunde and offered him a full-time position as a business manager, tasking him with implementing the ideas he had suggested.

This marked the beginning of Tunde’s career as a business manager, a role that would shape his future. Shortly after this breakthrough, Tunde married Olusola, the woman who had not only helped him at his lowest point but had also stood by him as he struggled to find his way. Together, they built a life and had four beautiful children.


Chapter 7: Building a Legacy

As Tunde settled into his role as a business manager, he began to think about the future. He knew he couldn’t rely on a single job to secure the life he wanted for his family. So, he began investing. First, it was in landed property, then in farming, taxi services, and logistics. His goal was to create multiple streams of income, ensuring that his family would never have to struggle the way he had growing up.

His business ventures succeeded, and over the years, Tunde earned numerous promotions at the university. He had become a respected figure in the academic community, known for his business acumen and his dedication to making a difference.


Chapter 8: A New Beginning in the UK

After ten years of working as a business manager, Tunde made another bold move: he relocated with his family to the United Kingdom. It was a fresh start, but one that came with its own set of challenges. Still, Tunde was undeterred. He took on various roles, including becoming a school governor, mentor, coach, and support worker. His desire to give back and help others remained as strong as ever.

In the UK, Tunde founded the TDA Clothing Brand, a business that showcased his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for creativity. The brand quickly gained traction, and Tunde’s reputation as a successful entrepreneur grew.


Chapter 9: Faith, Family, and Fulfillment

Throughout his journey, one thing remained constant: Tunde’s faith in God. His belief in divine guidance had carried him through the darkest moments of his life, and he never lost sight of his spiritual connection. Today, Tunde balances his various roles as an entrepreneur, mentor, and family man, all while remaining deeply committed to his faith.

His life is a testament to the power of perseverance, faith, and hard work. From his humble beginnings in Surulere to his thriving life in the UK, Tunde’s story is one of transformation and triumph.


Epilogue: Inspiring the Next Generation

Tunde’s journey is far from over. With his thriving business, loving family, and commitment to helping others, he continues to inspire those around him. His story serves as a powerful reminder that no matter how difficult life may seem, with resilience and determination, success is always within reach.


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